Thursday, September 20, 2012


Good morning friends!  Before I head out the door to enjoy my 90 minute Hot Yoga practice, I want to post some more pics showing how FUN fitness is!  Today's pics are either clients training here at Glisten Girls Fitness or Weekend Warrior Bootcampers after my Saturday's Bootcamp.  Ready???  Here you go!

I know a lot of people who say "I'm too tired today...but TOMORROW I will set my alarm and get up and start my fitness program."  Well, tomorrow comes and goes...then before you know it, you still haven't started your workout program so do not put it off any longer...DO IT NOW!

I have a Youtube show that I do monthly called "Fitness is Fun with your Kids!"  Well, here are some pics of two of my clients enjoying their workouts while setting a great example for their kid(s) as they watch and/or get involved in Mommy's workout!
Amy is doing a Core move called the "Boat Pose."  Her two kids are making sure she gets the most out of this pose by adding weight resistance by getting on her lap and by laying under her feet so she doesn't fall out of the pose.  LOVE IT!
In this picture, Monica is about to do some Leg Extensions...her adorable son Cole thought he would join in on the fun by getting on his Mommy's lap to assure she pulls her belly button to her spine...

Don't worry about HOW MANY ab crunches you should do a day...there's NO MAGIC #.  Just remember proper form and to breathe.  Remember...BURNING is keep crunching until you feel that awesome burn!
Clients who train with me know that they WILL lose inches in their waistline because I LOVE to work abs!  Here Linda is doing one of my FAVORITE ab exercises called "Figure 8s" with an 8 lb medicine ball.  Go Linda go!
Amy's got her "game face" on as she performs a High back row exercise in a squat position.  This is one of my personal FAVORITE back exercises.
Looking for some quick cardio that's going to get your heart rate up fast and burn some serious fat???  Split lunges are great!  M & M (Monica and Mindy) are getting it done for 60 seconds...go girls go!  Yes...that's Monica's son happily playing too while Mommy gets her workout on!
I LOVE my Weekend Warriors!  Here are some of the girls having fun after burning a crazy amount of calories at Bootcamp...
Finally...remember, our kid(s) watch EVERYTHING we do!  Instill the importance of health and fitness to them at a YOUNG AGE...
Hope you enjoyed today's pics of my Glisten Girls Fitness clients and Bootcampers.  Please send me any questions you may have or if there is a specific topic you would like me to speak about next week. 
Do something to promote your HEALTH and FITNESS TODAY!  I'm off to enjoy some Hot Yoga...namaste...
Join TODAY as a follower, sign up to receive my blog via email or follow me @FITDIVAFAMISHA on twitter.  If you have any questions about Glisten Girls Fitness, check out my website at
Have a HAPPY, HEALTHY day and week!
As Always...Stay Fit and Happy!
Famisha :-)

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