Thursday, December 5, 2013


Good morning friends!  I hope you're all having the most FABULOUS morning so far.  I thought I would write a quick blog this morning since it's been a couple weeks...before I head out to my favorite Hot Yoga practice.

I want to talk about how much HAPPIER being healthy for yourself and family can make you.  Studies show that those who incorporate at least 30 minutes of fitness into their daily routine are more productive at work, happier in their personal lives with loved ones and mentally stress-free (at least during their workout)...overall more relaxed. 

FITNESS is truly a LIFESTYLE.  Fitness can be ANYTHING!  It can be going for a walk in your neighborhood for 30-60 minutes, taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work, walking to pick your kid(s) up from school, calf raises while you work at your computer, squats as you brush your teeth, 10 push ups before bed at night, 5 minutes of stretching before you start your day, playing with your kid(s), LAUGHING (hey, it's GREAT for your abs), etc..etc... MOVEMENT IS KEY!

Never compare yourself to anyone else.  When you realize that FITNESS is NOT a competition with anyone else but is essentially what YOU can do to accomplish your PERSONAL BEST today...always CONGRATULATE yourself after you've done something to promote your health and fitness and know that the NEXT time you do that particular activity, you will strive to be even better in the next workout.  But acknowledge that YOU DID IT!! 

Lastly, don't wait until JANUARY to decide to make your "New Year's Resolution!"  Make your "NEW YOU" RESOLUTION now!!  Decide TODAY to make changes in your life to be even healthier and to move more.  My business Glisten Girls Fitness is offering Gift Certificates the "Gift of Fitness" for the holiday season.  This includes VIRTUAL TRAINING for those who don't live in Arizona or the East Valley.  I train clients all over the United States you CAN achieve RESULTS working with me no matter where you live!

For more information on my Gift Certificates, you may contact me via my website:

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog!  I'm headed to my Hot Yoga practice...NAMASTE...

As Always...Stay Fit and Happy!
Famisha :-)

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