Thursday, June 7, 2012


Good morning friends!  Just finished a FABULOUS 90 minute workout and am feeling strong and ready to take on the day of fun with my son!  I love starting my calorie burn flowing strong for the rest of the day after doing hard cardio and weight resistance training...if it "ain't ain't earning!"  Okay, I know enough of my Famisha'isms which I have a lot of!  I'll just get to the point of today's blog fitness question which one of my AWESOME blog followers has asked which is "I always hear my knees crack when I do squats and my elbows crack when I do bicep I doing damage?"

Well, let me tell you...if I could count how many times I hear my knees crack when I demonstrate exercises all day to my clients or even in this morning's intense workout when I was doing my FAVORITE lunges with bicep curls that number would be very high!  Unfortunately, as we "mature" in life we start to feel those old days of being an athlete, dancer, cheerleader (which is also athletic), runner, etc...etc.. in various joints in our bodies whether it be in our knees or lower back, we feel it!

Now, if you don't feel pain except for the pain you feel in your head from the embarrassment of the LOUD crack a lacking of your knees, then NO WORRIES!  You're fine!  The best thing you can do for your joints are weight bearing exercises, ie:  lifting weights and yoga.  If you do feel a bit of a pull in your joints when you are doing squats, lunges, bicep curls, shoulder presses then I highly recommend taking a supplement.  The one that I take religiously is Glucosamine Chondroitin...I like the one that has 1500mg of Glucosamine and 1200mg of Chondroitin.  You definitely want to take 2 tablets a day and what Glucosamine Hydrochloride does is assist in the formation of tendons, ligaments, skin, bones, nails and muscles.  The Chondroitin is a building block of cartilage and helps lubricate your joints.

So have NO FEAR...continue to do those squats, lunges and bicep curls because you will continue to gain LEAN MUSCLE MASS while tightening and toning your body!  If you continuously hear that lovely cracking while doing it....then look for the Glucosamine Chondroitin supplement I recommended and your joints will thank you for it!

Now, let's get into today's my son Pry'nce and I show you our favorite warm-ups for the month of June.  If you don't have access to cardio equipment in your home but want to warm-up before doing some weight resistance training, check out our favorite warm-up ideas.  If you enjoy watching it and want to see more, go to Youtube and search for "Fitness is Fun with your Kids!" or put in my name Famisha and the videos should pop up...enjoy!
Thanks for reading today's fitness blog!  If you enjoyed it, join TODAY as a follower and follow me on Twitter @FITDIVAFAMISHA for upcoming news on Bootcamps, etc.

As Always...Stay Fit and Happy!
Famisha :-)

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